Analysis of the principles of the superheterodyne receiver through practices, using the Emona Communications Card for NI ELVIS III


  • Allison Quisilema Chico Instituto Superior Universitario Central Técnico


Heterodyning, heterodyne, Radio frequency, Communication


The purpose of this document is to describe the heterodyning principle of RF communications; by implementing a superheterodyne receiver through computer software; based on the theoretical principles of heterodyning. The process of how to convert an input signal into RF communication systems is described; to obtain an intermediate or heterodyned frequency, that is, all the stages can be observed; of a superheterodyne receiver such as the RF amplifier, mixer, intermediate frequency filter, detector and audio amplifier and speaker because they are the basis for communications equipment.

The data that will be collected for the development of this research will be necessary through the necessary information from books, scientific articles, theses and other sources.

The results demonstrate how the message signal, that is, the input signal (from the EMONA Card) is converted into an intermediate frequency through the heterodyning process that is carried out through the hardware that the EMONA Card has such as multipliers, l, adders, filters, among others and the software that has the NI ELVIS III module.


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How to Cite

Quisilema Chico, A. (2021). Analysis of the principles of the superheterodyne receiver through practices, using the Emona Communications Card for NI ELVIS III. Investigación Tecnológica IST Central Técnico, 3(2). Retrieved from