Comparative study of series and parallel compensation in a transmission line using ETAP software


  • Kevin Bolívar Basantes Guashpa Instituto Superior Universitario Central Técnico
  • Elvis Fabricio Calvache Reinoso Instituto Superior Universitario Central Técnico
  • Lenin Ramiro Merino Villegas Instituto Superior Universitario Central Técnico


Compensation, Parallel series, ETAP, Power transfer, Energy transmission, Power transmission


The construction of long transmission lines generates problems of long distance power transmission, dynamic stability, among others. The increasing cost of construction of new transmission lines has led to seek to increase the capacity of existing transmission lines. FACTS devices regulate the control of active and reactive power, as well as the control of voltage magnitude. In Ecuador, studies on series and parallel compensations (FACTS) applied to transmission lines is a little explored field of research. This research presents a comparative analysis of the FACTS devices (series and parallel in compensation) used in power transmission lines to determine their characteristics and their differences or similarities in terms of power flow and active flexibility in power transmission. The results show that connecting a compensator in series increases the voltage in the transmission line with a normal and low power factor, and connecting a compensator in parallel reduces the line losses and improves the power factor. the system.


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How to Cite

Basantes Guashpa, K. B., Calvache Reinoso, E. F., & Merino Villegas, L. R. (2022). Comparative study of series and parallel compensation in a transmission line using ETAP software. Investigación Tecnológica IST Central Técnico, 4(1). Retrieved from