Designing and manufacturing of a canine wheelchair for its rear extremities of up to 4 Kg through 3D printing.
3d Printing, prosthesis, surrogate mobility, canines, small breed, wheelchairAbstract
This current project consists of a wheelchair manufacture for small breed dogs weighing up to 4 kilograms that have difficulties in moving due to hernia discs, accidents, or inherited problems, by means of industrial design, digital techniques, and local resources available in the country.
The methodology applied includes computer-aided design, strain analysis using the Von Mises criterion and 3D printing with the Polylactic Acid use as the only material. To obtain a functional product, three design proposals were made in which different printing characteristics were tested, which provided an opening in the process’s improvement related to the prosthetic pieces manufacture. Therefore, it was determined the design requirements of lightness, comfort, safety, and resistance to traction were fulfilled, resulting in a suitable product for small breed dogs. Consequently, it is necessary to improve economically viable alternatives, since it was confirmed a prosthetic elements helps to improve the autonomy and quality of life of dogs with mobility problems.
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