Evaluation and conditioning of general lighting levels in the mechanical forming workshop of the industrial mechanic’s course
Evaluación y condicionamiento de niveles de iluminación general en el taller de conformado mecánico de la carrera de mecánica industrial
Decreto ejecutivo 2393, flujo luminoso, lux, luxómetro, niveles de iluminación.Abstract
The research is conducted in the Mechanical Forming workshop of the Industrial Mechanics program at Central Technical University Institute. The main objective is to analyze and compare compliance with current lighting levels according to Ecuadorian and European regulations. For this purpose, field research and the grid method are employed, measuring lighting levels on three planes (floor, general, and workspace), dividing the workshop into 9 quadrants and across four different times of day using a lux meter. The results obtained range from 67.79 lux to 93.34 lux, indicating that the workshop does not meet the minimum lighting requirements established in Executive Decree 2393 (between 300 to 500 luxes). It is proposed to replace low-power LED luminaires with LED lamps providing higher luminous flux; after carrying out the necessary calculations, it is determined that a total of 13 lamps are required with a power of 200W Subsequently, the lighting was remeasured, thus verifying that the workshop complies with the regulations, reaching a level of 528.97 lux.
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