Proposal for a subframe with z-profile for 6-ton Hino trucks


  • Alexander G. Paucar G. Universidad Internacional SEK
  • Rodrigo A. Cárdenas Y. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cotopaxi
  • Edwin A. Chamba M. Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador


frame, MEF, LFRD, stresses, deformation


In this research project, ASTM A-572 Gr. 65 steel was chosen and validated as the construction material of an auxiliary frame, to be developed by the company Siderúrgica Ecuatoriana SA, it was designed to be mounted on the chassis The main profile of the HINO 300 series truck, the chosen profile was type “Z”, designed to withstand a maximum load of 6000 kgf. The analysis was based on the application of conventional structural calculation methods, the “Design by Load and Resistance Factors or Limit States” (LRFD) approach was used and a model was created using computer aided design (CAD) tools. , to be tested with the finite element method (MEF). The deformation results, safety factor and admissible stresses were obtained for the subframe model, contrasting to determine and select the most suitable material, taking into account the economy, strength and respective lightness.


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2020-06-27 — Updated on 2020-06-27

How to Cite

Paucar G., A. G., Cárdenas Y., R. A., & Chamba M., E. A. (2020). Proposal for a subframe with z-profile for 6-ton Hino trucks. Investigación Tecnológica IST Central Técnico, 2(1), 11. Retrieved from