Evaluation of Occupational Risks in the Administrative Area of Higher Education in the Public Sector.




institute, ilumination, noise, teaching, risks


This article shows the analysis of the evaluation of occupational risks in the work environment at the Instituto Superior Universitario Central Técnico of the public sector in the office of the Industrial Mechanics Career, with the objective of comparing the results obtained and determining its compliance with the legal requirements in force regarding occupational safety and health. For the realization of this research, the methodology of risk analysis was considered, which allowed to evaluate the incidences in the health of teachers. The National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT), made it possible to identify, evaluate and adapt the ideal conditions to improve the workplace.

A hygienic survey was applied to determine the risks to which teachers are exposed in the office, considering 1 as the lowest value and 5 as outstanding. The results show that conditions between 1 and 3 account for 78%, that is, it is recognized that the office does not meet the adequate requirements to carry out daily teaching activities, while the remaining 22%, between 4% and 5%, recognize that very little is done to have adequate workstations. The results with respect to noise determined that there is no problem, the methodology of the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT) was applied, and these were compared with the aforementioned Royal Decree 286/2006 of the INSHT. While the illumination measurements comply in the morning and evening section, but in the night section they do not comply with the European standard UNE-EN12461-1 indoor illumination.


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How to Cite

VALDIVIESO SIMBA, L. D. (2023). Evaluation of Occupational Risks in the Administrative Area of Higher Education in the Public Sector. Investigación Tecnológica IST Central Técnico, 5(2), 7. Retrieved from http://investigacionistct.ec/ojs/index.php/investigacion_tecnologica/article/view/164