A methodology for optimizing bolted joint design


  • Christian Gúzman Palacios Universitat de Girona
  • Daniel Trias Mansilla Universitat de Girona
  • Alejandro Maldonado Arteaga Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE


Genetic Algorithms, Bolted Joints, Multi-Objetive Optimization


The current paper presents a methodology to optimize the design of bolted joints under traction and shear loading in horizontal plates and pressure vessels. The optimization tool of MATLAB is used to compute the optimal combination of bolt type and geometry, which leads to minimum joint prize, weight and maximum safety factor. The methodology shows a prize of the joint-safety factor/mass-safety factor comparison to provide optimal options (curves) to the customer. These results allow choosing options according to the necessity, and decide if the prize or the mass of the bolted joint is more important in function of the safety factor with several correct solutions that can be adapted to the costumer’s necessities.


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2020-06-27 — Updated on 2020-06-27

How to Cite

Gúzman Palacios, C. ., Trias Mansilla, D., & Maldonado Arteaga, A. (2020). A methodology for optimizing bolted joint design. Investigación Tecnológica IST Central Técnico, 2(1), 13. Retrieved from http://investigacionistct.ec/ojs/index.php/investigacion_tecnologica/article/view/30