Implementation of a mobile robot with an access point based on the steam methodology


  • Alex Danilo Bastidas Jácome Instituto Superior Tecnológico Eloy Alfaro
  • Darío Fernando Yépez Ponce Instituto Superior Tecnológico Eloy Alfaro
  • Carlos Enrique Mosquera Bone Instituto Superior Tecnológico Eloy Alfaro


NodeMCU, access point, networks, robotics, STEAM


The implementation of a mobile robot with an Access Point (AP) aims to motivate the generation of knowledge based on the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) methodology. The robot uses the NodeMCU firmware with the system-on-chip (SoC) Wi-Fi ESP8266 from the company Espressif Systems (ESCP), to generate a local Wi-Fi network. An application for Android systems and web browsers was designed in HTML 5 (clients) in order to create the network created by the mobile prototype (server) and any device connected to it can send instructions to the server. Clients send a data frame from any internet browser and the device executes the code translating it into motion. The robot moves in the forward direction with right and left turns on its own axis. Backward movement was not implemented for the operator to develop position skills, spatial orientation, creativity, ingenuity, calculation, among others. All the programs used in this work are Open Source or free license to be used by whoever considers it necessary as a basis for future improvements or applications. This prototype will be used as an instrument for the development of the STEAM methodology, being part of the larger project that will try to introduce this methodology in the basic education of the institutions of the Esmeraldas canton - Ecuador; where it is evidenced in previous works that traditional study techniques are used avoiding (due to cost, accessibility or ignorance) technology as a teaching-learning medium.


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2020-06-27 — Updated on 2020-06-27

How to Cite

Bastidas Jácome, A. D., Yépez Ponce, D. F., & Mosquera Bone, C. E. (2020). Implementation of a mobile robot with an access point based on the steam methodology. Investigación Tecnológica IST Central Técnico, 2(1), 10. Retrieved from