Ceniza de arroz, polietileno, papel, costo, producciónAbstract
The environmental impact produced in Ecuador is basically due to the poor processing of solid waste composed of inorganic materials such as: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), recycled paper and rice husks, which will be used as inputs in the manufacture of bio-blocks of 15x20x40 cm, with 27x32 mm cells, E type. The documentary, explanatory, qualitative and quantitative research methodology was applied, which provided results that establish the feasibility of the construction of the bio-block, overcoming physical and mechanical tests, by complying with the compressive strength established in the INEN 634 Standard (2014). In addition, the cost benefit achieved with respect to a commercial block of the same dimensions presents gains in scale production. In the cost benefit analysis of the unit production of the commercial block (sand, cement, gravel, water) 0.211 USD. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) was used at 15%, cement at 85%, production cost of 0.192 USD. Rice husk ash (crystallization-silica), 20%, sand at 80%, lowering the production cost to 0.197 USD. Recycled paper was also used at 5%, decreasing the use of sand to 95%, with a production cost of 0.208 USD. Comparing the above production costs with the cost of the actual block, it is established 8.57% (PET), 6.19% (rice husk ash) and 0.95% (paper) of savings in the construction of the bio-block.
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